Case Management Services

Families First of Florida accepts referrals for adolescents who are in need of Targeted Case Management. A bio-psychosocial is completed for each eligible recipient after a referral is received for services.

We provide targeted case management to children who have a mental health diagnosis and need additional assistance with gaining access to medical, social, and educational services. Ourgoal is to uniquely help each individual by assisting with their needs by coordinating treatment and support services. We work with each client and their family to create a plan of services that address various needs.

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Send Us A Referral

Please use our online referral form or contact us by email at or by phone at (813) 290-8560. Note, follow prompts when directing referrals to individual offices.

Impacting Lives, Strengthening Families

Traumatic experiences make a significant impact on how people cope, learn and interact with others. Families First of Florida’s experienced mental health clinicians provide best practice mental health services with the goal of helping those in our care grow and develop, despite their obstacles.